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% ROWTYPE is used when a query returns an entire row of a table or view.TYPE RECORD on the other hand, is used when a query returns column of different tables or views.
This table lists all the guides provided for GigaVUE software and hardware. The first row provides an All-Documents Zip file that contains all the guides in the set for the release. Click the corresponding Download link to download the latest PDF for that release.
The modern architecture of INTEGRITY is well suited for multicore processors targeting embedded systems. INTEGRITY provides complete Asymmetrical Multiprocessing (AMP) and Symmetrical Multiprocessing (SMP) support that is optimized for embedded and real-time use. Embedded system designers can select the multiprocessing architecture that is right for the task. When coupled with the advanced multicore debugging features found in the Green Hills MULTI tool suite, developers will reduce their time-to-market while increasing system performance and reliability.
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This profile allows a device to be identified above and beyond the limitations of the Device Class already available in Bluetooth. It enables identification of the manufacturer, product id, product version, and the version of the Device ID specification being met. It is useful in allowing a PC to identify a connecting device and download appropriate drivers. It enables similar applications to those the Plug-and-play specification allows.
External data were downloaded from the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA; ) using the accession numbers EGAD00001000085, EGAD00001000135, EGAD00001000159, EGAD00001000160, EGAD00001000161, EGAD00001000162, EGAD00001000163, EGAD00001000164, EGAD00001000165, EGAD00001000259, EGAD00001000260, EGAD00001000261, EGAD00001000268, and EGAD0000100026949,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62; internal datasets are related to previous PMIDs 27748748, 27479119, 26923874, 25670083, 25253770, 24972766, 24553142, 25135868, 26632267, 26179511, 24651015, 28726821, 23817572, 25962120, 2629472517,19,44,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74 (Supplementary Note 1).
Mutation data have been deposited into commonly used public data portals and are accessible at They can be explored in and downloaded from the R2 Analysis and Genomics Platform, the PedcBio Portal for Cancer Visualization, and the TARGET Data Matrix. Sequencing data were obtained from previous studies as listed in Supplementary Note 1 and include the following accession codes: RP012816, PRJEB11430 (European Nucleotide Archive); EGAS00001001139, EGAS00001001953, EGAS00001000607, EGAS00001000381, EGAS00001000906, EGAS00001001297, EGAS00001000443, EGAS00001000213, EGAS00001000263, EGAS00001000192, EGAS00001000255, EGAS00001000254, EGAS00001000253, EGAS00001000256, EGAS00001000246, EGAS00001000379, EGAS00001000380, EGAS00001000346, EGAS00001000349, EGAS00001000347, EGAS00001000192 (European Genome-Phenome Archive). 153554b96e