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Note the following hack is no longer necessary for 5.1s. The hack goes as follows: Disable SIP / Install the hacked NVMe driver for 10.12 (you may still need it for specific brands in 10.13), then a string of installation commands... Rather than re-outline them, the following links are useful.
The real question is how much extra crit damage from Sinister Strikes versus extra rupture damage. This depends on your crit chance. My observation is that the extra rupture damage from a 7/51/13 build comes out ahead until your crit chance is about 33-35%. At that point Sinister Strike crits enough that the extra crit damage is more signficant.
Increase your damage output in World of Warcraft! This tutorial won't work on all servers, and is better on private servers than public. All you need is Cheat Engine - buy some mundane items, and then use the program to turn them into rarer, better items.
** Dumped MacVidCards ROMs for these cards are floating around on the internet, making these particular cards flashable by users, but the modified ROMs only exist due to MVC putting in the effort to hack together Mac EFI compatible ROMs. MVC has yet to give out its modified ROMs for free. d2c66b5586